Anaphylaxis Course

£60.00 exc VAT

Treating the severe allergic reaction with the epinephrine

Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death if left untreated or with delayed treatment. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications, and latex.
It is essential for those who look after others, including health and social care workers, first aiders and health and social care workers to be able to identify and treat anaphylaxis promptly and effectively.

Who should take this course?
• People who live, work, or look after individuals who suffer from anaphylaxis.
• People working in sectors that involve day to day interactions with members of the public who may be exposed to common allergen triggers such as food e.g., hoteliers, restaurant staff, Healthcare Assistants, Support workers, Care assistants, and Community services.
• Any members of the public interested in acquiring knowledge and skills in recognizing and carrying out initial First Aid in an Anaphylaxis situation.

Course Objectives

• To provide the learner with a clear understanding of the legislation and guidelines regarding the management of anaphylaxis, and
• To improve awareness and response to adults and children who suffer from severe allergic reactions.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
• Understand what Anaphylaxis is.
• Know who is at risk of Anaphylaxis.
• Know the common causes of anaphylaxis, including common food allergens.
• Understand the symptoms of anaphylaxis and be able to recognize severe anaphylaxis (Anaphylactic shock).
• Know how to carry out First Aid during and anaphylaxis situation, including the primary assessment, the recovery position and CPR.
• Understand how to use an Adrenaline auto-injector during anaphylaxis.
• Understand everyday management of anaphylaxis.
• Know the follow up care required after an anaphylactic reaction.
• Know how anaphylaxis can be prevented.

Join Now
Lydia Jones
Faith Grace Trainer
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
1st Floor, Thames House, The Courtyard, Waterside Drive, Langley, SL3 6EZ   View map

£60.00 exc VAT

Availability: In stock



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